Announcing the New CatBoss TV Cat Training Mobile App!

Take advantage NOW of our discounted pricing - only $7.99 for lifetime access - no subscriptions or in app purchases. Your one time purchase gets you Lifetime access to all of this and more:
Step-by-step tutorials demonstrated and narrated by Trisha Seifried and her CatBoss Crew!
57 tricks from beginner to advanced, with more to come!
A progress tracker that alerts you to when you've qualified for a CatBoss Title!
Easy access to our website blogs and store from the app!
Membership in our private CatBoss TV Facebook group.
CatTV Videos to entertain your cat while you relax together.
The opportunity to be featured in our Honor Roll inside the app! See your name in lights!
Did we mention Trick Titles? Click here!

These are all the tricks you will learn when you download our App!

Why You Should Train Your Cat

Our mission at CatBoss TV is to change the way people see cats, and one way is through training - both you and your cat!
Here's some reasons why we think training changes cats for the better:
Gives them the mental stimulation that cats need.
Keeps them from becoming couch potatoes
Creates a stronger bond between you and your cat
Enhances your cat's native problem solving skills
Increases your awareness of your cat's individual needs
Not convinced? Check out our blogs for more info!
Check Out Our Star Halle In One of Our Hundreds of Training Videos!